the left of the cursor -- and allow you to replace it with

another. If you realise your mistake later and wish to correct

a character or word within the text, use the arrow keys to

position the cursor over the character you wish to remove.

Press DELETE. Type in the character(s) you wish to insert. Use

the arrow keys to move on.

COPY   This switches on the COPY facility (described later). The

                  RETURN key switches off the COPY facility.

Note: When you press the keys that show these symbols


ABC will display the followmg characters on the screen:


Word processing with ABC

If you have already tried out the keyboard on the initial WRITE screen you will

have noticed some of the automatic functions which ABC has to offer in the

way that your text is arranged. At this point you may find it useful to look at

these functions and others through processing a simple piece of text. A

traditional 'Thank you' letter will serve as a good example.

Writing new text

Make sure that that CAPS LOCK and SHIFT LOCK lights are off. If you have

already entered some text you will need to delete it as follows:

Press the OPTIONS function key-

Select option 8 'delete text'.

The screen will show:

Are you sure that you want to delete this text?

Answer Y, then press the labelled function key f0 to return to the WRITE


Now try typing in the following text:

E 3