Press SHIFT until the screening is complete, then ESCAPE to return to the text


You will come across more stored commands later in this chapter. For the

moment, we will move on to the other changes to be carried out to GRANT2.

A block of text has to be moved from the first paragraph to the end of the letter.

To do this, set markers 1 and 2 to indicate the beginning and end of the block.

Unlike the example you saw in the last section, this block lies in the middle of a

paragraph so you cannot set markers on blank lines. Simply set marker 1 on

the I of line 4 and marker 2 in the space immediately following the last

character of the block. This is before the I on line 9.

Take the cursor to the point at which you want the block to appear; in this case,

two lines down from the end of the final paragraph. Press:


If, as in this instance, moving a block has destroyed the format of the text,

simply reformat the affected paragraphs by positioning the cursor on the first

line and pressing:


The next alteration to GRANTE' involves paragraph two, which has to be

reformatted to a narrower text width. This involves inserting and editing a new

ruler above the relevant paragraph. As you have seen, however, each ruler

affects all the text below it until the occurrence of the next ruler. As we only

want one paragraph to be reformatted, it will be necessary to insert a new ruler

below the paragraph as well as above it.

Position the cursor above the first line of the paragraph and press:


to obtain a copy of the current ruler. Now put another copy of the current ruler

below the last line of the paragraph. The first of these two rulers can now be

edited to obtain the required format.
