Firstly, the name of the society should be centred on the page. You could do this

by inserting spaces but you would have to count characters or judge the right

position for both lines. Also, if the width of the text were to be adjusted at a

later date the positioning would no longer be accurate.

It is far easier to use one of the stored commands available in VIEW. These

commands are entered in the stored command margin to the left of the text

area. They have no immediate effect but are simply stored until the document

is printed, whereupon they come into operation. On this occasion you need the

stored command CE, which stands for CEntre. Its function is to centre text

according to the current ruler, so if a new ruler is inserted the relative position

of the text will still be correct.

Switch to the text screen and take the cursor to the first of the two lines to be

centred. Press:


The cursor moves into the left margin. Now type:


The command CE remains in the margin and the cursor moves back into the

text area.

Take the cursor to the second line to be centred and repeat the operation.

The stored command CE has no immediate effect, but there is a way to preview

the document as it would appear if it were printed. Switch to the command

screen and type:


You should see the first part the document with no ruler and with the name of

the society centred. In order to preview the next screenful, press and release

SHIFT. Once the complete document has been SCREENed, press ESCAPE to

return to the text screen.

The SCREEN command is a convenient way of checking on the appearance of

text before it is printed. The effects of rulers and of stored commands can be

previewed before committing anything to paper.

You can use another stored command to position the address at the top of the

letter. Take the cursor to the first line of the address and press:


Now type:


D 16