1 to indicate that you are setting the position of marker 1.

A white block will appear indicating its position.

Now move the cursor to the line below the end of the verse and press:



2 to indicate that you are setting the position of marker 2.

Another white block appears, indicating the position of the second marker.

If you press ESCAPE and examine the command screen header, you will see that

confirmation of the fact that you have positioned markers 1 and 2 is given by

the additional line:

Marker(s) set 1,2

Press ESCAPE to return to the text screen and move the cursor to the point at

which you want the copy to appear; in this case, immediately below your second

marker. Finally, to execute the copy, simply press:


There should now be two identical verses in the document and the screen will

look something like this:

VIEW screen 4

Note that the two markers are still set, so by positioning the cursor and

pressing COPY the verse can be reproduced as many times as needed. Complete

the song by creating ten copies of the verse then editing each one as necessary.

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