After checking that all mistakes have been corrected, you will want to save

your new document onto a disc. Even if you intend further editing in the same

session, it is a wise precaution to save your text at regular intervals. Then, if

you should accidentally lose the document from memory (perhaps because of a

power failure), only your most recent alterations will need to be done again.

To save your text file, first decide upon a filename. As the original document is

called GRANTI we would probably name the second version GRANT2.

Remove the Welcome disc from your disc drive and replace it with a disc onto

which files can be saved. Type:


Next time you come to work on your document, you will be able to load it by



Block operations

The editing facilities that you have used so far, with exception of f0

(REFORMAT PARAGRAPH), affect no more than one line of text at a time.

However, facilities are available that operate on complete blocks of text. You

can try these techniques by entering the song Ten Green Bottles.

Press ESCAPE to return to the command screen and clear the workspace by



Press „ESCAPE again to switch to the text screen and type in the first verse as

shown on the next page. Note that in this case you will have to press RETURN at

the end of each line because each is shorter than the standard ruler shown at

the top of the screen.

Ten green bottles, hanging on the wall

Ten green bottles, hanging on the wall

And if one green bottle should accidentatty fall

There'd be nine green bottles, hanging on the wall

You can quickly produce the entire song by using the COPY BLOCK facility.

First indicate which block of text is to be copied. This is done by setting markers

at the start and finish of the relevant block which, in this case, is the entire


Position the cursor on the T at the beginning of the first line then press:


The characters MK appear at the top left of the screen. Then press:

D 9