Your new version of GRANT1 will look something like this:

Sheen & District Historic Buildings

Preservation Society

101Nestlyn Close

Briar Common

Sheen SH2 4WJ

5 March

Dear Member

Following our Annual General meeting in January, I wrote

to the OCP Trust with a view to obtaining financial

assistance towards our proposed renovation work on Steem

Priory. I hope members will appreciate that the Sheem

Priory project is the most ambitious development that

the Society has undertaken. It is particularly

important, therefore, that all members contribute to

the effort that will be required if the project is to

be a success. I received a reply from Mr Beeswing of

OCP, of which the following paragraph is an extract.

"The CEP Trust does not normally contribute towards

restoration work on buildings intended for business use.

However, we are aware that if the priory were not

restored, it couldnean thee loss of a building of great

historic interest. Consequently, an application for

assistance from the Trust would te favourably

considered. "

It wrauld seean that Mr Beeswing is sympathetic to our

cause and I suggest that we forward an application to

the OCP Trust as soon as possible. I would be interested

to hear suggestions from members as to what form such an

application should take. Suggestions shculd be sent to

me bythe endof March, in time for me to present them

to the executive meeting on April 6th. A prempt reply

would be rnuch appreciated in order that I rnight meet

that deadline.

Yours sincerely

Martyn Giltert (secretary)

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