Ensure that you are looking at the VIEW command screen and clear the VIEW

workspace by typing:


Insert the Welcome disc into your disc unit, then type:


The LOAD command causes any text currently in memory to be overwritten by

the new file. If you had wanted to append GRANT1 to to text currently in

memory you could have typed:


as described above.

Press ESCAPEto switch back to the text screen.

The screen will look like this:

VIEW screen3

You are looking at the first part of the document GRANT1. Hold down the

downward arrow key and watch what happens as the cursor reaches the

bottom of the screen. The VIEW text area is not limited to the screen itself. The

text area is a very large 'page', only a little of which is visible to you through the

screen. The screen is rather like a window which you can move (using the

arrow keys) to any part of the page you wish.

Use the downward arrow key to scroll to the end of the document. You will find

that the cursor will go no further than the last line of text. If you need to move

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