We will return to the command screen later in the chapter, but for the moment



then press ESCAPE and you will switch to the text screen. ESCAPE always

switches, or toggles, between command and text screens. Note that any text

that you have typed in will not be affected by pressing ESCAPE.

Entering text

The text screen looks like this:

VIEW screen2

The flashing white symbol is the cursor - any text typed in will appear at the

current cursor position. Type a few lines of text without pressing RETURN.

Notice what happens as you reach the end of each line. If a word will not fit on

the current line, it is automatically carried over to the next line. VIEW takes

care of new lines for you ensuring that no lines are too long and that no words

are split.

Al! the usual keyboard functions are operative in VIEW just as in BASIC so

that if, for example, all your text appears in capitals, pressing CAPS LOCK will switch

to lower case characters.

It will soon be obvious that VIEW is doing more to your text than just carrying

over words that will not fit on a line. VIEW always comes on with the

justification feature on, indicated by the J in the top left corner of the screen.

This means that all text is vertically aligned at both the left- and right-hand

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