A string can be created which consists of a series of copies of another string

using STRING$:

10 MODE 135

20 INPUT "What is your string " ,text$

30 copy$=STRING$(10,text$)

40 PRINT "A string containing 10 copies Looks Iike this:"

50 PRINT copy$

INSTR is used to check for the first occurrence of one string within another, for


10 MODE 135

20 INPUT LINE "Ptease type in any sentence",sentence$

30 check=INSTR(sentence$,"e")

40 PRINT "Your sentence contains ";

50 IF check>0 THEN PRINT "an 'e' at position " ;check ELSE PRINT "d

oes not contain an 'e'"

The variable check at line 30 contains the position within sentence$ at which

the first letter e occurs. If sentence$ does not contain an e, check is 0. You can

also search for groups of letters using INSTR. For example replacing line 30



makes the program check for the string the within sentence$.

You cannot carry out arithmetic on a string variable, even if that string

variable contains only numeric characters. This can be inconvenient, so there

are two functions which enable you to change a number to a string and vice

versa :

10 MODE 135

20 INPUT "What is today's date (eg 27) ";number

30 number$=STR$(number)

40 INPUT "What month is it ";month$

50date$=month$+" "+number$

60 PRINT "Today's date is ";date$

STR$ in line 30 converts the numeric variable number into a string variable

number$. Lines 50 and 60 are included to demonstrate that the string version

can be concatenated with other strings.

VAL gives the numeric value of a string:

10 MODE 135

20 INPUT "Type in any mixture of numbers and Letters ";mixture$

C 49