65 wrong=0


80 first=RND(12)

90 second=RND(12)

100 PRINT' "What is " ;first;" times " ;second;

110 INPUT response

115 IF response<>first*second THEN wrong=wrong+l

120 answer=answer+1

130 UNTIL TIME>=6000

140 PRINT' "You answered " ;answer;" questions"

145 PRINT '"You had " ;wrong; " wrong"


Line 115 can be extended so that it gives the correct answer as well as counting

the wrong answers:

115 IF response<>first*second THEN wrong=wrong+1:PRINT "No, the ans

wer is ";first*second

Where there are only two possible outcomes, such as an answer being right or

wrong, an extended form of IF...THEN can be used:

115 IF response<>first*second THEN wrong=wrong+1:PRINT "No, the ans

wer is ";first*second ELSE PRINT "Well done! "

In other words, IF the response is wrong, THEN the computer gives the right

answer, ELSE it congratulates you on getting it correct.

The line is beginning to get rather long. To make the program easier to read

and understand it is better to use:

115 IF response<>first*second THEN PR0Cwrong ELSE PR0Cright

and add extra procedures at the end:

160 DEFPROCwrong

170 wrong=wrong+1

180 PRINT "No, the answer is ";first*second


280 DEFPROCright

210 PRINT "Well done!"

220 IF wrong<2 THEN PRINT "Keep it up"


C 42