program. You can change the size and position of the engine by changing the

values of scale'%, xstart% and ystart%.

Information can be passed to a procedure from the main program:

10 MODE 130

20 PR0CcircLe(400,300,200)

30 PR0CcircLe(600,600,100)

40 PR0Ccircloe(690,750,50)

50 END

60 DEFPROCcircle(xcentre%,ycentre%,radius%)

70 MOVE xcentre%,ycentre%

80 PLOT 157,xcentre%+radius%,ycentre%


The values in brackets at line 20 are called parameters. The computer takes

the parameters and stores them in the variables xcentre%, ycentre%, and

radius% in line 60 when it obeys the procedure call. It uses these variables in

the rest of the procedure to draw a circle with its centre at 400,300 and a radius

of 200.

Lines 30 and 40 demonstrate how this same procedure can be used whenever a

circle is drawn. Only the parameters need to be changed.

A procedure like PROCcircle is very useful because:

-- it can be used many times in the same program with different parameters to

give. different results;

-- it can be used even if you do not know or remember how the procedure


-- it can be used in other programs.

You might use xcentre% and ycentre% to hold the coordinates of the screen

centre in a program. It seems as if these values will be lost if PROCcircle is used

in the same program, because this also has variables called xcentre% and


16 MODE 130

15 xcentre%=640:ycentre%=512

20 PR0Ccircle(400,300,200)

30 PR0Ccircle(600,600,100)

40 PR0Ccircle(690,750,50)

45 PRINT''xcentre% remains " ;xcentre%

46 PRINT"ycentre% remains ";ycentre%

50 END

60 DEFPR0Ccircle(xcentre% ,ycentre%,radius%)

C 33