Including apostrophes causes extra blank lines to be printed. For example:

50 PRINT '' "I am " ;my_age;" years old."

prints two blank lines before the actual line of output.

The position of any character on the screen can be described in terms of its text

coordinates. Text coordinates are given relative to the top left of the screen,

unlike graphics. In mode 135, the text coordinates are:

Screen coordinates

Notice that although there are 40 character positions on a line, the positions

are numbered zero to 39, and the lines are numbered similarly.

The PRINT TAB statement enables you to control the position at which

printing begins. Use NEW to remove the current program then type:

10 MODE 135

20 PRINT "0123456789"

30 PRINT TAB(5);"An example of TAB."

When run, this gives:

0123456 789

An example of TAB

Printing begins at character position 5 on the line, i.e. the 6th column. More

than one TAB can be used on the same line, but if the computer has already

moved beyond the required TAB position it begins a new line. For example:

C 21