A circle can be drawn by giving the position of its centre and a point on its


10MODE 1

15 REM coordinates of centre

20 MOVE 300,300

25 REM coordinates of point on circumference

30 PLOT 149,550,300

Here is an example of a PLOT command that draws a solid figure. Edit line 30


30 PLOT 157,550,300

and RUN the program again. You can get a red circle by adding:

10 GCOL 0, 1

Other PLOT commands enable you to create solid rectangles, ellipses, sectors of

a circle, and so on. More complex figures must be built up using these simpler

shapes. Any shape can be flood filled with colour once it has been drawn:

1 REM Teddy-- an unfinished masterpiece

10 MODE 130

19 REM select red

20 GCOL 0, 1

29 REM draw circular head

30 MOVE 500,500

40 PLOT 149,800,500

49 REM right eye

50 MOVE 620,600

60 PLOT 149,680,600

69 REM Left eye

70 MOVE 380,600

80 PLOT 149,440,600

89 REM rectangular nose

90 MOVE 460 ,600

100 PLOT 101,540,400

109 REM use arc for the smile

110 MOVE 500,600

120 MOVE 350,350

130 PLOT 165,650,350

139 REM change to yellow for flood-fill

140 GCOL 0,3

150 PLOT 133,500,320

You might like to finish the picture by adding ears and colouring the eyes.

C 19