-- joysticks off;

-- grid off;

-- solid lines;

-- normal font (Fa).

Thus, to select a background other than black, move the pointer to the box

containing the colour or pattern of your choice and press CTRL; the box at the

bottom of the menu will then fill with your selection.

You can change the palette (i.e„ the range of available colour combinations)

using the four boxes at the top of the third menu column. For example, to

change red to green, move the pointer to the red box and keep pressing CTRL

until the box shows green.

Similarly, the drawing function, line and type styles are selected by moving the

pointer to the appropriate box and pressing CTRL.

Whenever you move the pointer outside the menu area the arrow is replaced

with the symbol denoting the function you have selected. The various

procedures are described below, on the assumption that the corresponding

function has already been selected from the menu.

---The spray gun allows you to draw one or several lines at a time; each dot of the

spray leaves one line behind it when it moves. Press COPY to increase the

number of dots and DELETE to reduce it. To use the spray gun, move to the place

where you want to start your line and press CTRL. Then, with CTRL held

down, move around the screen and release CTRL

---The hand will move the whole screen in any direction. To start, move the hand

symbol to a readily identifiable point on the screen and then press CTRL. With

CTRL held down, move the hand to the position to which you wish to move the

original point and release CTRL -- the whole screen will then be moved. Note

that any part of the picture which is shifted off the screen will be. lost.

---The flood fill option can be used to fill any enclosed area of the screen with the

current colour. Simply move to any point within the area you want to fill and

press CTRL. Note that if you try to fill an outline which has a gap in it then the

colour will escape out of the gap and carry on until it hits a solid boundary or

the edge of the screen. Areas can be 'unflooded' by pressing TAB. Sometimes,

however, this operation does not only reverse the action of the flood but affects

other shapes on the canvas, depending on the colours used.

---The line allows single lines to be drawn anywhere on the canvas. Press CTRL

to start a line and release it when you are happy with its position.

---Ellipse outlines and solid ellipses are produced by moving to the point which is

to be the centre of the ellipse and pressing CTRL. Then, while holding CTRL

down, the width and height of the ellipse can be altered using the arrow keys.

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