Tim Paint

The menu is divided into 3 columns:

-- the leftmost column determines which colour will be used for all subsequent

operations, the one selected being shown in the larger rectangle at the

bottom of the menu;

-- the middle column contains all the available functions, each identified by a

special symbol, such as camera, typewriter, scissors etc., each of which is

described below;

-- the rightmost column is further subdivided:

-- the top four boxes contain the colour 'palette';

the boxes immediately below the palette contain the four types of line

which can be used;

-- the bottom four boxes show which font will be used when text is placed on

the screen.

Selections from the menu are made by moving the arrow pointer to the

required box and pressing CTRL. Slow movement is provided by the four

cursor control keys; fast movement (eight times normal) is provided by the

simultaneous depression of SHIFT. (It is also possible to operate TimPaint using

a joystick, in which case the 'fire' button replaces the function of CTRL. (See

Appendix 11 for instructions on connecting a joystick to your computer.)

The current menu selections are normally highlighted and, when TIMPAINT is

first loaded, the selections are:

-- black background;

-- white foreground;

-- spray can option (see below);

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