the letter 'L' that the software is a 'Language' and the letter 'F' that the

software is a 'Filing system'. Alternatively, the final space may be occupied by

the letter 'U', which indicates that the ROM is 'Unplugged'.

On the menu-bar at the top of the screen are three menu items. The first,

'Actions', contains four options. 'Default' loads the default option settings onto

the screen from disc, allowing you to restore the machine to its original state.

'Update' permits you to save your own configuration options into the EEPROM;

if you select it a box will pop up and ask you to confirm your choice before they

are actually saved. 'Quit' leaves the Control Panel program and returns to the

Icon menu. 'Fresh' reads the current option settings from the EEPROM onto

the screen so as to effectively nullify any changes you may have made. Of

course, if you have already used 'Update' to save your settings, then the

usefulness of this option is limited.

The second menu item, 'File', offers the option of loading and saving the

configuration options to disc (rather than the EEPROM). You may thus keep a

less frequently used set of options readily accessible on your disc.

The final item, 'ROMS', controls which language ROM and which filing system

ROM are executed by the computer when it is switched on. The menu contains

two items, 'Language' and 'Filing System', and after selecting either of them

the currently selected ROM is highlighted on the right of the screen. You can

use '+' and '--', or simply RETURN, to cycle through the available software of

each type; whichever ROM you leave highlighted will subsequently be used on

swi tch-on.


This program allows you to create and save your own pictures using many of

the advanced graphics features provided by your computer.

Once loaded, TIMPAINT produces the display shown on the next page.

The boxed area on the left is the menu, from which you select the various

functions, colours and typestyles (fonts) that you wish to use. The larger,

empty area to the right is the 'canvas' on which you create your artwork.

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