the top of the screen. The menus group the programs together according to

their function, so let us first examine the Graphics programs.

Graphics programs

CASTLE illustrates the computer's ability to produce high-speed, multi-colour

graphics. It uses a variety of shapes (squares, rectangles, circles and triangles)

filled with either plain colours or patterns.

CLOWN is a similar illustration which incorporates other shapes.

CLOUD is a simple animated sequence in which various parts of a graphic

image are moved about the screen. The smoothness of movement is achieved by

switching between the normal and the shadow screens. Changes of colour are

used to produce a pleasing effect.

PATTERNS produces a sequence of complex figures, facinating to watch in

themselves, but which are then used to illustrate the speed with which the

computer can flood-fill an area with either a plain colour or a more complex


SHAPES is a sequence of examples showing the basic shapes which can be

produced directly using built-in graphics commands. For the purposes of the

demonstration, each shape is drawn as a solid figure, each superimposed upon

the previous one, but it is also possible to produce outline shapes using solid or

broken lines.

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