
A few years ago, the suggestion that you might have a computer in your own

home would have been greeted with disbelief. Now, home computers are an

accepted fact and more and more people are beginning to investigate their


Thankfully, the intervening years have seen many developments and today's

microcomputers offer real computing power making them suitable for use not

only in the home but also in classrooms, laboratories and our increasingly

automated offices.

BBC Microcomputer systems have been available; throughout this period of

change and, as a result of a process of continuous development, they span a

wide range of facilities and sophistication whilst maintaining software

compatibility. This ensures that with the arrival of new models there does not

come an enforced wait for software with which to put the machine to work. The

computer you have just purchased is provided with some of the most highly

developed software for the BBC Microcomputer range and there are literally

thousands of other programs which can potentially be used on your computer.

Welcome to the world of personal computing!