Table I
Plot code Effect Previous
0 -- 7 Solid line, includes both ends 1
8 -- 15 Solid line, final point omitted 1
16 -- 23 Dot-dash line, includes both ends, 1
pattern restarted
24 -- 31 Dot-dash line, final point omitted, 1
pattern restarted
32 -- 39 Solid line, first point omitted 1
40 -- 47 Solid line, both points omitted 1
48 -- 55 Dot-dash line, first point omitted, 1
pattern continued
56 -- 63 Dot-dash fine, both ends omitted, 1
pattern continued
64 -- 71 Point plot
72 -- 79 Line fill left and right to non-background
80 -- 87 Triangle fill 2
88 -- 95 Line fill right to background
96 -- 103 Rectangle fill 1
104 -- 111 Line fill left and right to foreground
112 -- 119 Parallelogram fill 2
120 -- 127 Line fill right to non-foreground
128 -- 135 Flood until non-background
136 -- 143 Flood until foreground
144 -- 151 Circle outline 1
152 -- 159 Circle fill 1
160 -- 167 Circular arc 2
168 -- I 75 Circular segment 2
1 76 -- 183 Circular sector 2
184 -- 191 Rectangle copylmove:
184 Move relative 2
185 Relative rectangle move 2
186/187 Relative rectangle copy 2
188 Move absolute 2
189 Absolute rectangle move 2
190/191 Absolute rectangle copy 2
192 -- 199 Ellipse outline 2
200 -- 207 Ellipse fill 2
208 -- 255 Reserved
App 8.2