VDU 23,10 set flash rate
VDU 23 ,11 restore default pattern-fills
VDU 23,12
VDU 23,13 set simple pattern-fill
VDU 23,14 pattern
VDU 23,15
VDU 23,16 control cursor movement
Functions 17 to 31 are reserved.
Any value greater than 31 following VDU 23
is taken as a reference to a character which is
to be redefined.
VDU 24 X 8 Define graphics window.
VDU 25 Y 5 Equivalent to the BASIC PLOT statement
(See Appendix 6.)
VDU 26 Z 0 Restore text and graphics windows.
VDU 27 [ 0 Does nothing.
Note that [CTRL]+ [ is equivalent to [ESCAPE„„„].
VDU 28 \ 4 Define text window.
VDU 29 ] 4 Define graphics origin (te. the position on the
screen with graphics co-ordinates (0,0). For
VDU 29,640;512;
makes subsequent graphics co-ordinates
relative to (640,512) --a point roughly in the
centre of the screen.
Note the (mandatory) use of semicolons.
VDU 38 ^ 0 Move text cursor to (0,0).
VDU 31 -- 2 Move text cursor to a specified position
(equivalent to PRINT TAB). For example:
VDU 31,28,18 moves the text cursor to
character position 20 on line 10 (the first
character position and line being 0).
VDU 127 0 Backspace and delete (i.e. the normal action
of [DELETE].
App 7.4