VDU 19 S 5 Change the colour palette. VDU 19 allows
any of the 16 available colours to be assigned
to the colour numbers available in a
particular mode. In mode 0 (128) for example:
VDU 19,1,2,0,0,0 changes colour 1
(normally White) to Green.
VDU 19,0,7,0,0,0 changes colour 0
(normally Black) to White.
The three items at the end of this sequence
should always be 0.
VDU 20 T 0 Restore default colours (i.e. revert to white
text / graphics on a black background) and
reset the palette to its default colour
VDU 21 U 0 Disable the VDU driver (i.e. stop subsequent
output to the screen).
Note that [CTRL]+ U issued from the keyboard
has the effect of deleting the current line.
VDU 22 V 1 Select screen mode. This sequence should not
be used from the keyboard in languages such
as BASIC or from the command screens of the
View family. See the Reference Manual for
further information.
VDU 23 W 9 Miscellaneous functions.
VDU 23 provides a great many functions,
most of which are beyond the scope of this
guide. The functions are listed below -- details
of the remaining parameters are given in the
Reference Manual-
VDU 23,0 control 6845 directly
VDU 23,1 change cursor
VDU 23,2
VDU 23,3 set full pattern-fill
VDU 23,4 patterns
VDU 23,5
VDU 23,6 set dotted line pattern
VDU 23,7 scroll window directly
VDU 23,8 clear block in text window
VDU 23,9
App 7.3