VDU 8 H 0 Move the text cursor one character position to
the left.
VDU 9 I 0 Move the text cursor one character position to
the right.
VDU 10 J 0 Move the text cursor down one line.
VDU 11 K 0 Move the text cursor up one line.
VDU 12 L 0 Clear the screen and restore the text cursor to
position (0,0). (Equivalent to CLS).
VDU 13 M 0 Move the text cursor to the start of the
current line.
VDU 14 N 0 Set page mode on (i.e. suspend output at the
end of each full screen of output and wait for
the user to depress [SHIFT]).
VDU 15 O 0 Set page mode off (i.e. allow unrestricted
VDU 16 P 0 Clear the current graphics area to the current
graphics background colour. (Equivalent to
VDU 17 Q 1 Change the foreground or background colour
for subsequent text output (equivalent to
COLOUR). In mode 5 (133), for example:
VDU 17,2 sets the text foreground colour
to Yellow.
VDU 17,129 sets the text background colour
to Red.
VDU 18 R 2 Change the foreground or background colours
for subsequent graphics output and define the
way in which it is to be placed on the screen
(equivalent to GCOL). In mode 2 (130), for
VDU 18,0,4 changes the graphics
foreground colour to Blue.
VDU 18,0, 134 changes the graphics
background colour to Cyan.
App 7.2