Appendix 7

VDU codes

The output of text and graphics is controlled by a complex set of MOS routines

referred to as the VDU driver. The VDU driver is active unless the display

screen has been disabled using *FX3 (see page App4. I) or VDU 21 (see below).

The codes described below alter the the behaviour of the VDU driver and may

be used to produce a variety of effects. The most common implementation is

through the BASIC language's VDU statement although commands to the

VDU driver may also be issued directly from the keyboard by means of control

key depressions (i.e. simultaneous depression of [„„CTRL] with another key).

Some VDU codes consist of a sequence of values. Where necessary, these extra

values must be specified for the code to take effect.

Code [CTRL] Extra Effect
key values
VDU 0 @ 0 Does nothing.
VDU 1 A 1 Send the next character to the printer only.
For example:
VDU 1,65 prints but does not display the
character A.
VDU 2 B 0 Enable the printer.
VDU 3 C 0 Disable the printer.
VDU 4 D 0 Write text at text cursor (i.e. restore the text
cursor and display subsequent text in normal
character positions).
VDU 5 E 0 Write text at graphics cursor (i.e. remove the
text cursor and display subsequent text at
graphics co-ordinates). The position of the
text cursor remains unaltered.
VDU 6 F 0 Re-enable screen output (i.e. enable the VDU
VDU 7 G 0 Emit a bleep from the speaker.
App 7.1