STOP Interrupt a program with the untrappable error
message STOP.
STR$ Converts a number into its equivalent string
STRING$ (STRI.) Produce multiple copies of a string up to a maximum
length of 255 characters.
TAB Used only with PRINT or INPUT to position the text
cursor on the screen.
TAN (T.) Function which gives the tangent of any angle, the
angle being in radians.
THEN Part of the IF...THEN statement.
TIME (TI.) Set or read the value of one of the internal clocks in
hundredths of a second. „.
TIME$ This pseudo-variable is used to control the real-time
clock in other Master Series computers. Its use on
this computer will result in the intentionally ludicous
result Fri, 31 Dec 1999.23:59:59.
Attempts to assign values to this pseudo-variable
will have no effect.
TO Part of the FOR...TO...NEXT statement.
TOP || Variable giving the first free memory location after
the end of the BASIC program. TOP is usually the
same as LOMEM, but unlike LOMEM it cannot be
reset by the user.
TRACE (TR.) Display the line number of each line executed. Used
for tracing errors. TRACE OFF switches trace off,
TRACE ON switches it on.
TRUE Function producing the value -1, used in logical
UNTIL (U.) Part of the REPEAT... UNTIL loop, signalling the
end of the loop. Statements between REPEAT and
UNTIL are executed repeatedly until certain
conditions are met.
USR || Function providing a means of calling a machine
code routine designed to produce one value.
App 6.8