RENUMBER (REN.) Assign default (or specified) line numbers to a
BASIC program.
REPEAT (REP.) Part of the REPEAT...UNTIL loop which executes
all statements between REPEAT and UNTIL until a
condition or conditions are satisfied. Note that such a
loop is always executed at least once, even if the
terminating conditons are met immediately, as the
test for the conditions comes at the end of the loop.
REPORT (REPO.) Print an error message for the most recent error
RESTORE (RES.) Read further data beginning at the line number
following the RESTORE.
RETURN (R.) Indicate the end of a subroutine which has been
called using GOSUB. The computer returns to the
statement in the program which is immediately after
the GOSUB which called the routine.
RIGHT$( (RI.) Extract the right-hand part of a string from a longer
RND Function which produces a random number. RND(1)
gives a random decimal from 0 to 0.99999. RND(N)
gives a random integer from 1 to N inclusive.
RUN Execute the program in memory.
SAVE (SA.) Save a program in the computer's memory to disc.
SGN Function which gives the sign of the number
following, producing 1 for minus numbers, 0 for
zero and + 1 for positive numbers.
SIN Function which gives the sine of any angle, the angle
being in radians.
SOUND (SO.) Produce a sound through the internal loudspeaker.
SPC Used only with PRINT or INPUT to print multiple
SQR Function which finds the square root of the number
that follows.
STEP Part of the FOR...TO..STEP statement which allows
a FOR...NEXT loop with steps other than 1.
App 6.7