OPENOUT (OPENO.) Open a file for output only.
OPENUP Open a file for updating (input and output).
OR Used as a logical or bitwise operator.
OSCLI || Used to pass a string to the operating system.
PAGE (PA.) || Variable used by the computer to indicate the
memory location at which storage of the program
begins. PAGE can be reset by the user, so with care
it is possible to have several programs in the
computer memory at the same time.
PI Give the value of pi (3.141592653) for use in
PLOT (PL.) Carry out a plotting function according to the
parameters following the PLOT command (see the
full list of PLOT codes in Appendix 8).
POINT( (PO.) Give the logical colour number at a particular
graphics point.
POS Give the current x coordinate of the text cursor.
PRINT (P.) Print characters to the screen. The format of
printing is affected by the use of ; , ' and the
printing of numbers is controlled by the value of the
integer variable @%.
PRINT# (P.#) Print the variable values following PRINT# to an
open file.
PROC Define or call a procedure.
PTR# Function which gives the position within a file where
the next characters will be read or written. The user
can change the value of PTR# and can thus read or
write anywhere within the file, allowing random
access to records.
RAD Function which converts an angle from degrees to
READ Read items from a DATA statement.
REM A remark to help document the program. REMs are
ignored by the computer on execution of the
App 6.6