LOG Function which gives the logarithm of a number to
base 10.
LOMEM (LOM.) || 0 Variable used to indicate the lowest free memory
location which can be used to store the value of
variables used by the program. LOMEM can be reset
by the user.
MID$( (M.) Extract a substring from a longer string.
MOD Give the integer remainder after a division.
MODE (MO.) Change the display mode. Mode cannot be changed
within a procedure or function.
MOVE Move the graphics cursor invisibly to the given
NEW Remove the current program. It can be retrieved
using OLD.
NEXT (N.) Part of the FOR...NEXT loop indicating the end of
the statements which are to be repeatedly executed.
NOT Used as a logical or bitwise operator.
OFF Part of the ON ERROR OFF statement which
switches error trapping off and enables the computer
to again print its standard error messages and halt
the program.
OLD (0.) Retrieve a program after a NEW or after BREAK
has been pressed. If typing OLD gives a 'Bad
Program' message after the BREAK key has been
pressed, the program has been corrupted and must
be loaded again from disc.
ON ERROR Used to control the action taken by the computer if it
encounters an error in the program.
ON.. .GOTO or The value of the variable following ON is found. If its
ON.. .GOSUB value is 1, the computer jumps to the first line
number in the list following the GOTO/GOSUB
statement; if the value is 2, it jumps to the second
line number, and so on-
ON.. .PROC Used to give a multi-branching facility and enable
one of a series of procedures to be executed.
OPENIN (OP.) Open a file for input only.
App 6.5