IF Part of the IF... THEN statement. The computer only
executes the instruction after THEN if the condition
following IF evaluates TRUE.
INKEY || „Wait for a given time for a key depression, and
produce the ASCII code for that key. The time is
expressed in hundredths of a second.
INKEY$ (INK.) || Wait for a given time for a key depression, amd
produce the character for that key. The time is
expressed in hundredths of a second.
INPUT (I.) Wait for an input or inputs from the keyboard
terminated by RETURN.
INPUT LINE Accepts, from the keyboard, a single input
containing leading or trailing spaces or commas,
terminated by RETURN.
INPUT# (I.#) Input data from an open file and store the data in the
variables following the INPUT# statement.
INSTR (INS.) Search one string for occurrences of another string,
and give the character position where the matching
string begins.
INT Function which converts a decimal number into the
nearest integer smaller than the original number.
LEFT$( (LE.) Extract the left part of a string.
LEN Function which gives the length of a string.
LET Set a variable to a given value. The use of LET is
optional in BBC BASIC.
LIST (L.) List the current program. LISTO sets the
indentation options to make the program easier
toread. LIST IF is used to list all lines containing a
particular character sequence.
LN Function which gives the natural logarithm of a
LOAD (LO.) Load a BASIC program.
LOCAL (LOC.) Declare the variables that follow as local only to that
procedure or function. Thus they will not interfere
with similarly named variables elsewhere in the
program. Parameters passed to a procedure are
automatically local.
App 6.4