ERR Give the error number of the last error.
ERROR (ERR.) Part of the ON...ERROR statement.
EVAL (EV.) Function which evaluates a string as if it were a
BASIC calculation.
EXP Function which calculates e (which is 2.7183...)
raised to the given power.
EXT# Function which controls the length (extent) of an
open file.
FALSE (FA.) Function returning the value 0. Used in logical
FN Used in the definition of a function or a call to that
FOR (F.) Start of the FOR--NEXT loop which causes the
computer to repeatedly execute the statements
between the FOR and the NEXT...
GCOL (GC. ) Set the graphics colour to be used by future graphics
commands, and determine the way the colour
interacts with the colour of any point in the same
position on the screen.
GET Wait for a key to be pressed and produce the ASCII
code for that key.
GET$ Wait for a key to be pressed and produce the
character for that key.
GOSUB (GOS.) Execute a subroutine, then return control to the
statement following the GOSUB call. GOSUB is a
more limited predecessor of DEFPROC, and does not
allow the passing of parameters. It is included for
compatability with the BASIC language on other
- computers.
GOTO (G.) Jump to the given line number.
HIMEM (H.) || Variable used to indicate the highest free memory
location which can be used by the current program.
HIMEM can be reset by the user so as to protect a
portion of memory above HIMEM where data has
been stored.
App 6.3