CLOSE# (CL0.#) Close an open file.
COS Function giving the cosine of any angle, the angle
background colour.
COLOR or Set the text foreground or background colours.
CLS Clear the text window to the current text
COUNT Variable containing the number of characters
printed since the last new line.
DATA (D.) Used in conjunction with READ to specify data items
to be used in a program.
DELETE (DEL.) Delete a number of lines from a program.
DIM Reserve memory space for an array of given size.
DIV Carry out integer division, any remainder being
DRAW (DR.) Draw a line from the last graphics point specified to
the given point.
EDIT Call the optional text editor available from your
ELSE Part of the extended IF...THEN statement used
when an alternative decision may be required.
END The computer executes no further statements after
it reaches the END statement. Its use is optional if
the END statement is physically the last statement
in the program.
ENDPROC (E.) Indicate the end of a procedure definition.
ENVELOPE || Define a sound envelope.
EOF# Function indicating whether the end of a file has
been reached.
EOR Used as a logical or bitwise exclusive OR.
ERL Give the line number where the last error occurred.
App 6.2