*REMOVE (*RE.) Equivalent in effect to *DELETE, except that the
Not found message is suppressed if the file cannot
be located.
*RENAME (*REN.) Change the name of a disc file. For example:
changes the name of file PROGI to PROG2 (in the
current directory).
*RENAME can also be used to physically move
(rather than copy) a file from one directory to
another. For example:
moves file THIS from directory $.BASIC to directory
$.GARBAGE and renames it THAT.
*RUN Load and Execute a machine code program.
*SAVE (*S.) || „ Save a block of memory to the named disc file.
*SP00L(*SP.) Cause all subsequent output to the screen to be
written to the named disc file.
*SPOOLON Append all subsequent output to the screen to the
named disc file.
*SRLOAD || Load the specified file into a designated area of
sideways RAM.
*SRSAVE || Save a designated area of sideways RAM to the
specified file-
*TITLE (*TIT.) Set the title for the current directory. For example:
Note that a directory title is distinct from a directory
*TYPE (*TY.) || Display the content of the named disc file in
GSREAD format without line numbers.
*VERIFY (*V.) Ensure that the entire surface of the specified disc
has been formatted correctly and is without defects.
App 5.5