*DRIVE (*DR.) Set and mount the specified drive as the current
drive. This command is provided for compatibility
reasons. It should not be used by software
*DUMP (*DU.) || Display a hexadecimal dump of the named file.
*EX || Display information about the files contained in the
specified directory.
*EXEC (*E.) Cause the MOS to take subsequent input from the
named disc file rather than the keyboard.
*FORMAT (*FO.) Format the disc in the specified drive using the
specified disc size.
*FREE (*FR.) Lists amount of disc that is free.
*INFO (*I.) || Display information about a single file (or a group of
files) using the 'wildcard' option.
*LCAT (*LC.) Display a catalogue of the library directory.
*LEX || Display information about the files held in the
library directory.
*LIB Set the library to the specified drive and directory.
For example:
*LIST (*LI.) || Display the named disc file in GSREAD format with
line numbers.
*LOAD (*L.) || Load the specified file into memory.
*MAP Display the free-space map.
*MOUNT (*MOU.) Initialise a disc drive -- commonly used to switch
between more than one drive.
*MOUNT 0 initialises drive 0.
Note that *MOUNT 0 is equivalent to *DIR:0.
*0PT1 (*0.1) Set the reporting level during file operations.
*0PT4 (*0.4) Set the operation of the auto-boot option.
*PRINT (*P.) Display a pure ASCII dump of the named file.
App 5.4