*BYE Ensure that all currently open files are closed at the
end of a session (similar in effect to *CLOSE).
*CAT (*.) Display the filenames in the current or a specified
directory. For example:
*CAT displays the catalogue for the current
*CAT $. DAVE displays the catalogue for directory
DAVE (which is subordinate to the
root directory.
*CDIR (*CD.) Create a subordinate directory with the specified
name in the current diectory. For example:
*CDIR MARY creates a directory called MARY in the
current directory.
*CLOSE (*CL.) Close all currently-open disc files.
*COMPACT (*COM.) Reorganise the files in the directory heirarchy so
that spaces created by file deletions are
amalgamated into larger blocks.
*COPY Copy a file from one directory to another. For
copies the file TEXT (in the root directory) into
directory $.BACKUP. VIEW i.e. it creates a file
whose full pathname is $.BACKUP-VIEW .TEXT.
*CREATE || Reserve space for a file.
*DELETE (*DE.) Delete the name of the specified file. For example:
*DELETE IDEA deletes file IDEA from the
current directory;
*DELETE $.DAVE.B1 deletes file B1 from directory
DAVE (itself in the root
A directory may be deleted only if it is empty.
*DESTROY (*DES.) Delete a group of files(using the wildcard facility).
*DIR Set the current directory.
*DISMOUNT Ensure that all currently-open files are closed prior
(*DISM.) to changing a disc.
App 5.3