*OPT1 ,2 allows output of the filename, block count,
length, load address and execution address.
*PRINT (*P.) || Display a pure ASCII dump of the named RFS file.
*RUN Load and execute the named machine code program
from ROM. For example:
*SRLOAD || Load the specified file into a designated area of
sideways RAM.
*TYPE (*TY.) || Display the content of the named file in GSREAD
format without line numbers.,

The Advanced Disc Filing System

Unless stated otherwise all commands operate on the currently selected


Many Advanced Disc Filing System commands allow the use of the wildcard

characters * and #.

*ACCESS (*AC.) Set the attributes associated with files. The
attributes are:
E for 'execute-only' access (for machine-code
program files only);
L for locking a file;
W for write access;
R for read access.
For example:
*ACCESS MEMO L locks file MEMO;
*ACCESS DADSPROG WR assigns read/write access to
*APPEND (*AP.) Extend files created using *BUILD (below).
*BACK Instruct the Advanced Disc Filing System to select
the previously-accessed directory and make it the
current directory.
*BACKUP Make a duplicate copy of one disc on another disc.
*BUILD (*BU.) Create a disc file containing subsequent lines of
App 5.2