*FX197 E„ Write keyboard auto-repeat period.
*FX198 Write *EXEC file handle.
*FX199 Write *SPOOL file handle.
*FX200 Set BREAK and ESCAPE effect according to n:
*FX200,0 set normal BREAK and ESCAPE action;
*FX200,1 set normal BREAK and disable ESCAPE;
*FX200,2 clear memory on BREAK and set normal ESCAPE
action ;
*FX200,3 clear memory on BREAK and disable ESCAPE.
*FX201 Write keyboard disable.
*FX202 Write keyboard status byte.
*FX203 Write RS232 (optional) handshake extent.
*FX204 Write RS232 (optional) input suppression flag-
*FX206- Used by Econet.
*FX210 Write sound suppression status:
*FX210,0 enables sound output;
*FX210,1 disables sound output.
*FX211 Write BELL (CTRL+[G]) channel (default setting 3). For
*FX211,0 selects channel 0.
*FX212 Write BELL (CTRL+[G]) sound information (default setting
144). For example:
*FX212,200 produces a 'softer' BELL sound.
*FX213 Write BELL (CTRL+[G]) frequency (default setting 101). For
*FX213,200! produces a high-pitched BELL sound.
*FX214 Write BELL (CTRL+[G]) duration (default setting 7). For
*FX214,1 produces a very short BELL sound;
*FX214,255 produces an indefinite BELL sound.
*FX215 Write start-up message suppression and !BOOT option status-
*FX216 Write length of soft key string.
App 4.6