*FX138 Insert character code into buffer. (See *FX21 for a list of buffer
numbers.) For example:
*FX138,0,65 places ASCII 65 (A) into the keyboard buffer.
*FX139 Select option value (equivalent to *OPT).
*FX141 Select ROM filing system (equivalent to *ROM).
*FX142 Enter language ROM.
*FX143 Issue paged ROM service request.
*FX144 Set vertical screen shift and interlace option for next mode
change or break (equivalent to *TV). For example:
*FX144,0,1 gives no screen shift and turns the interlace off;
*FX144,1,0shifts the screen up by one line and turns the
interlace on;
*FX144,255 shifts the screen down by one line (and turns the
interlace on).
*FX146- Access memory-mapped 1/0 areas.
*FX153 Insert character code into buffer, checking for ESCAPE.
*FX154 Write to Video ULA control register.
*FX155 Write to Video ULA palette register.
*FX156 Write to 6850 ACIA control register (part of optional RS232
*FX162 Write to EEPROM.
*FX178 Disable keyboard scanning.
*FX179 Write ROM polling sernaphore.
*FX180 Write Operating System High Water Mark (OSHWM).
*FX181 Write RS232 (optional) mode.
*FX190 Write interpretation of ADVAL.
*FX191 Write RS232 (optional) use flag.
*FX193 Write flash counter.
*FX194 Write mark period count.
*FX195 Write space period count.
*FX196 Write keyboard auto-repeat delay.
App 4.5