*FX25 Restore a group of font definitions:
*FX25,0 restore character codes between 32 and 255;
*FX25,1 restore character codes between 32 and 63;
*FX25,2 restore character codes between 64 and 95;
*FX25,3 restore character codes between 96 and 127;
*FX25,4 restore character codes between 128 and l59;
*FX25,5 restore character codes between 160 and 191;
*FX25,6 restore character codes between 192 and 223;
*FX25,7 restore character codes between 224 and 255.
*FX108 Switch main / shadow memory into main map:
*FX108,0 switches shadow memory into main map
*FX108,1 switches main memory in to main map (immediate).
*FX109 Make temporary filing system permanent.
*FX112 Select memory to which characters will be written until the
next mode change:
*FX112,0 writes to memory specified by the mode change;
*FX112,1 writes to main memory (immediate);
*FX112,2 writes to shadow memory (immediate).
*FX113 Select memory to be displayed until the next mode change:
*FX113,0 displays the memory specified by the mode change;
*FX113,1 displays main memory (immediate);
*FX113,2 displays shadow memory (immediate).
*FX114 Select main / shadow memory in subsequent mode changes
(equivalent to *SHADOW):
*FX114,0 forces selection of shadow memory;
*FX114,1 selects mainlshadow memory according to mode
*FX118 Reflect keyboard status in keyboard LEDs
*FX119 Close any *SPOOL / *SPOOLON / *EXEC files.
*FX120 Write 'keys pressed' information.
*FX124 Acknowledge 'escape condition' without side effects.
*FX125 Set 'escape condition'.
*FX126 Acknowledge 'escape condition' with side effects.
*FX136 Define entry point for user MOS routine (equivalent to *CODE).
App 4.4