*FX4 Enable/disable cursor editing:
*FX4,0 enable cursor editing;
*FX4,1 disable cursor editing and assign ASCII codes:
COPY 135
<-- 136
--> 137
v 138
^ 139
*FX4,2 disable cursor editing and assign soft key
<-- 12
--> 13
v 4
^ 15
*FX4,3 cursor keys have joystick effect. COPY is equivalent to
(and ORed with) the 'fire' button.
*FX5 Select printer type (see page G2):
*FX5,0 selects printer sink (no printing);
*FX5 , 1 selects parallel printer;
*FX5,2 selects serial printer;
# *FX5,3 selects user printer routine;
*FX5,4 selects network printer server.
Printer types higher than 4 should not be used.
The default setting can be set using *CONFIGURE PRINT (see
page App 3.1).
*FX6 Select printer ignore character (equivalent to *IGNORE). For
*FX6,10 prevents line feeds (ASCII 10) being sent to the
*FX? # Select RS232 (optional) receive rate.
*FX8 # Select RS232 (optional) transmit rate.
*FX9 Set flash rate of first colour in fiftieths of a second (default
setting 25).
*FX9,0 disables flashing and forces the first colour on the
*FX9 , 10 sets the flash rate to one fifth of a second.
App 4.2