Within this publication the term BBC is used as an abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation.

© Copyright Acorn Computers Limited 1986

Neither the whole or any part of the information contained in, or the product described in, this manual may be adapted or reproduced in any material form except with the prior written approval of Acorn Computers Limited (Acorn Computers).

The product described in this manual and products for use with it are subject to continuous development and improvement. All information of a technical nature and particulars of the Acorn Computers in good faith. However, it is acknowledged that there may be errors or omissions in this manual. A list of details of any amendments or revisions to this manual can be obtained upon request from Acorn Computers Technical Enquiries. Acorn Computers welcome comments and suggestions relating to the product and this manual.

All correspondence should be addressed to:

Technical Enquiries

Acorn Computers Limited

Cambridge Technopark Newmarket Road


All maintenance and service on the product must be carried out by Acorn Computers authorised dealers. Acorn Computers can accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by service or maintenance by unauthorised personnel. This manual is intended only to assist the reader in the use of this product, and therefore Acorn Computers shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of any information or particulars in, or any error or omission in, this manual, or any incorrect use of the product.

Acorn is a trade mark of Acorn Computers Limited.

VIEW is a trademark of Acornsoft Limited.

Econet is a registered trademark of Acorn computers Limited, Cambridge.

Written, edited and typeset by Interaction Systems Limited, Cambridge.

First published 1986

Issue 1 -- August 1986

Published by Acorn Computers Limited