Page B7 2 nd paragraph is now entitled "Welcome" not "Programs".

The paragraph should now read :

The welcome item is a quick way of returning to the welcome menu which you

encountered at the start of this section. It contains no entries,

therefore clicking here will ask you if you wish to leave the desktop.If

you answer 'Y' (Yes) you will return to the original Welcome menu. A

short description of each of these programs appears at the end of this


After line six of the 3rd paragraph (entitled "CLOCK") add:

Note: You can make the stepping of the minutes/hours go faster by holding

down the SHIFT key.

Also pressing - or DELETE will decrement the number.

PAGE B16 Add to the end of paragraph 4:

Clicking on the Welcome box will allow you to return to the Welcome menu.

PAGE C51 Paragraph 7 program example should read :

280 DATA4

320 DATAWho won the 1982 World Cup, Italy

PAGE C54 Program example should read :

230 IF name$(count)="xxx" THEN count=count-1

240 FOR number=1 TO count

PAGE D1 Last paragraph should read: . . . . . . . .and then type: