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Re: More BeeB disk probs..
Posted by Mix on Friday, November 29, 2002 at 19:39:06
Rich wrote:


So the motor spins ok without a disk in the drive, but only goes 1/2 a turn with a disk.

1st is the actual disk itself tight? If the actual media its to tight in its sleeve then there may not be enough torque in the drive to spin it up. Have you tried another floppy?

Next point would be the timing sensor. This tells the drive that the disk is actually spinning, it sences the hole that is just off the centre of the floppy. If you turn the floppy by hand you will see a hole in the media at some point.



hmmm. The more I look into this the more I suspect the BBC just isn't seeing the drive. Shift-cntrl or *net both return the disk fault FD at 00/FD error, the drive is not accessed at all - the light doesn't come on and the drive doesn't respond at all. Are there any diagnostics I can run against the dfs eprom? I don't want to splash out on a new drive to find the acorn dfs 1.20 eprom I got hold of doesn't work. Is it possible that the version of the dfs just doesn't recognise my disk drive? I'd never seen the brand before...

Thanks for your time.


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