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Re: More BeeB disk probs..
Posted by Rich on Friday, November 29, 2002 at 18:20:09
mix wrote:


Quick follow up - with the case off the drive if I 'simulate' loading a disk (push the catch back!) then the motor spins. If I then close the (very wobbly) catch on the front of the drive the bit that spins the disk comes down and spins happily. If I then try all this with a disk inthe drive it spins the disk about half a revolution and then stops - shift-break gives me a disk fault FD at 00/FD. This drive was working perfectly until my dfs rom packed up a couple of days ago - possibly just coincidence, but odd all the same.


So the motor spins ok without a disk in the drive, but only goes 1/2 a turn with a disk.

1st is the actual disk itself tight? If the actual media its to tight in its sleeve then there may not be enough torque in the drive to spin it up. Have you tried another floppy?

Next point would be the timing sensor. This tells the drive that the disk is actually spinning, it sences the hole that is just off the centre of the floppy. If you turn the floppy by hand you will see a hole in the media at some point.


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