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Re: More BeeB disk probs..
Posted by mix on Friday, November 29, 2002 at 18:02:27
Rich wrote:


when you say the disk turns approx 1/8th of a turn, does the motor continue to run/struggle or does it just stop?

I had a quick glance for the Fault code but couldnt see any reference to it as yet.



Quick follow up - with the case off the drive if I 'simulate' loading a disk (push the catch back!) then the motor spins. If I then close the (very wobbly) catch on the front of the drive the bit that spins the disk comes down and spins happily. If I then try all this with a disk inthe drive it spins the disk about half a revolution and then stops - shift-break gives me a disk fault FD at 00/FD. This drive was working perfectly until my dfs rom packed up a couple of days ago - possibly just coincidence, but odd all the same.

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