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More BeeB disk probs..
Posted by Mix on Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 20:09:21
My original eprom DFS stopped working (and stopped being recognised by the Beeb!) So I put an Acorn DFS chip in - version 1.20 (*help shows dfs 1.20, dfs,utils) The Drive is one I don't remember from the 80's - it says 'USD' user fiendly on the front, and appears to be made by mitsubishi. So to my problem.... The disk isn't spinning and I'm getting a 'Disk fault FF at 00/FF' everytime I try a 'shift-break' or even a *net. When I power the drive on is moves the disk approx 1/8th of a turn then stops. All cables seem to be connected OK, and internally the drive looks fine...HELP

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