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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts
Re: 6502 processor
Posted by Rich on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 17:37:03
Andy wrote:

Hi - me again. Ok, the rotary switch on the keyboard is a volume control! Now, I've got a 6502 second processor connected to the B'....how do I know if it works?
Thanks again - Andy


Ok connect the 6502 to the Tube port, switch it on, then turn on the Beeb and instead of the top line reading ... BBC Computer 32k it should say something like... Acorn Tube 64K if I remember correctly.

If you need a manual for it, goto;

then look under the HARDWARE tab, its the 5th item down in the BBC B/B+ section 445k download.



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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts