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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts
Re: 16K BBC Model B
Posted by Ian Wolstenholme on Monday, November 18, 2002 at 22:27:32
Rich wrote:


When you say it only works in 16k mode, was it functioning perfectly before? or have you altered anything to obtain this fault?
Link 25 is the RAM Select link. As you say, NORTH is 32K mode and SOUTH is 16K mode.
The reason Im asking this is you say, if you move link 25 north, well it should be there anyway.

Any more info you can throw at us?


I am afraid this machine was rescued from a friend's shed after at least ten years. When it came to me, all I got was the continuous tone until various fiddling revealed that moving link 25 from North to South brought it to life in 16K mode. Maybe too many cold winters have taken their toll on the memory chips.

It was tape-only when I got it and I went to the trouble of putting in a disc upgrade so it will be a shame if I can't get it going properly.


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    Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts