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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts
Re: HCR Electronics EPROM Writer
Posted by Jon on Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 15:51:40
Elson wrote:

Hi Jon,

I think the HCR programmer is the best that was produced for the BBC. I assume you have the SWR image (or ROM) that goes with it to actually use it. The latest version that I use is 4.1 (I believe), allowing me to burn in from 8K to 64K (27c512 - less power drain and heating for the PSU etc.), the latter which enables me to use only one skt on the basic model but have 4 x 16K images stacked into it, eg one of them I have as: View, ATS, and both 16ks of View Proffesional. They would appear (for example)in positions 0 4, 8 and &C but you need to know that two of the 28pins need to be connected to 2 other lines in the micro, (Qc and Qd) You can also do just 32K ones if you are short of space for 16K's!

From the initial startup page (after *EPROM) you have the menu of chip sizes to select. Then the next menu is self explatory, ie checking for a blank eprom(all locs &FF) reading - ie downloading into memory, saving loading new images and programming it) Checksums are done so you should really find it easy. I'd be interested to know how you get on




HI Elson,

Hmm.. I just put it on ebay to sell... may change my mind now I know it was the best one made for the BBC.

I have very little knowledge of programming, etc on BBC so most of what you mentioned went right over my head.... lol.

I do have the rom, yes. I managed to get to the menu you mentioned but everytime I tried to programme a rom it told me there was a failure (or similar) at point 00 or 02.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

The booklet says 64k. Is this refererring to the roms or do I need a 64k BBC?


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    Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts