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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts
Re: disk drive boot
Posted by Rich on Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 16:55:01
marcooni wrote:

I've just got my BBC B working after ten years and although the computer is working fine I've forgotten how to load a disk. When I did *. it listed all the games on the disk so it's working fine.But I just can't remember how to load the disk.
I tried shift-enter but I don't think this is correct.All I get is 'syntax error' or 'No such variable'.To think I used this computer for nearly 10 years. How brain dead you can get.

Hi there,

If when you did the *. you found in the listing of files one called !boot then to run the disc, hold down the button then press . This will boot the disk.

If on the other hand the disk is full of single programs/games you must either type LOAD "program name" then RUN or alternativly type CHAIN "program name" and the program will auto run.

Some programs on tape and sometimes on disk will require the command *RUN name for them to load & run.



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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts