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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts
Re: Could you fix our BBC Computer or advise?
Posted by Rich on Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 12:49:55
Andy McElroy wrote:

Our family has two BBC computers both of which have a problem. Can anyone advise how we might get these fixed. we are located in East Kent in the UK.

One of the computers runs well except for poor picture quality and a recent problem with the Disk drive (Disk fault 18 at 00/00).

The other computer is effectively dead.

Thanks for your help


Just for starters, the one with the poor picture quality, are you running through the RGB output or monochrome or the UHF. If its the UHF I have found trouble can occur through repeated insertion/removal of the lead. This causes a bad joint inside the modulator box. Easily fixed with a soldering Iron.
Unsure on the disk drive apart from saying make sure all leads are fully connected, I had this once where the plug under the computer wasnt making full contact and wiggling it sorted it.

As for the dead one. If its totally dead, then check the fuse in the plug first. Next I think there's a fuse in the power supply. Use EXTREEM CAUTION when working inside a computer, make sure its TOTALLY disconnected from the mains first. Ittl be tricky as the PSU will have to come out to check the fuse. Several connections need to come off the mainboard to, so make notes on paper as to where the leads go.
Also these leads "might" be brittle as they are 20 years old, so be prepared for possible breakage.
There are no servicible parts inside the PSU so unless you know a "good" electronics person then a replacement PSU "may" be required.



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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts