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Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts
EPROM copy protection
Posted by ALASTAIR on Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 21:36:52
Hi all

I am trying to get a CNC lathe working. A denford Starturn 8 to be precise.
I now have everything: the lathe,a BBC master and all ancillaries, the leads and the software. Now all I need is the EPROM which acts as a dongle type device.

Now this EPROM is a normal 28 pin device that goes in to a socket on the top of a small PCB. It has a second 20 pin chip under it on the PCB then it has turned Pins which go into the ROM socket.

How does one copy such a device?

Does anyone have one? It can be identified by "SYNTEL 84" on the underneath of the PCB.


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    Message Board Script by Cliff(tm), Shaven Ferret Productions, and available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts